Image: Craig Glasson, Untitled diagram #051 (infinite) (detail), 2019, Graphite on paper + timber supports, fixings, 8000 x 1500 mm. Image courtesy of the artist.

Image: Craig Glasson, Untitled diagram #051 (infinite) (detail), 2019, Graphite on paper + timber supports, fixings, 8000 x 1500 mm. Image courtesy of the artist.

craig Glasson (Sa) - An assessment of space and time

FRONT Gallery: 8th - 24TH august 2019

Engaging a research-led studio practice which investigates materials and processes, my work explores notions of space and time. Outcomes are expressed using the disciplines of drawing and sculpture in consideration of four key themes: the handmade artefact; the investment of my time; employing repetitive actions in the making process; and seeking out variants in the placement of multiple artefacts to form patterns. These themes provide the impetus for my work to develop in an evolutionary manner, towards deliberately open-ended outcomes. The resultant artefacts are informed by architectural and mathematical systems and elements using one-dimensional lines, two-dimensional planes and three-dimensional forms. Their aesthetic characteristics have much in common with the precision and detail associated with the architectural plan and scale model. Conceptually my work is often deliberately ambiguous and materially provisional. My primary intention is for works to engage the viewer by rousing their curiosity, and stimulate subjective perceptions as to their meaning and function.

This activity is proudly supported by the Adelaide Central School of Art Graduate Support Program