Opening - 5:30 PM - Wednesday, 1st March

Artist Talks - 6:00pm

Running - 2nd March - 18th March 2017

In her realisation of Umberto Eco’s essay ‘On the Impossibility of Drawing a Map of the Empire on a Scale of 1 to 1’, Sara Morawetz explores the boundaries that exist between the real and its representation, examining the inherent complexities and logistical absurdities of working at a life-size scale. 

Making a map on a scale of 1:1 is clearly a useless exercise – yet in a digital world – where maps have been reduced to the size of our screens and have lost all sense of physicality, the impossibility of representing the real becomes an alluring proposition, challenging our expectations of objects that signify. 

This is the second iteration of her project 1:1 (After Umberto) in which Morawetz intends to map an Artist Run Initiative in each state and territory of Australia – gradually ‘mapping over’ each space she will eventually create a colonial territorialisation of the empty yet loaded ‘space a gallery represents.

Photography by Steph Fuller