Elise Bonato, The Violet Hour, 2017, single channel HD digital video installation, 13:33sec, loop, colour, stereo sound

Elise Bonato, The Violet Hour, 2017, single channel HD digital video installation, 13:33sec, loop, colour, stereo sound


Screening from 8:00pm - Wednesday, 3rd May

Running - 4th May - 20th May 2017

FELTdark is viewable: Wed - Sat: 7pm - 12am

The hour of stillness
— present made infinite.

Colour outside sight. Time beyond reality.

To reveal the space, cradled in the illusion.

Featuring durational performance within isolated urban environments in the Adelaide sphere, The Violet Hour catalyses as a site-specific video installation investigating the (un)natural and supranatural forces of the local area. Where the surrounding and pervading invisible is made visible through embodiment. FELTspace features and becomes a liminal point of entry — an epicentre where these energies and metaphysical aspects intersect as well as manifest through spatial engagement.

Multidisciplinary visual artist, Elise Bonato (SA), is a practitioner of the visual-aural arcane. Her experimental practice investigates contemporary notions of the sublime and mysticism through a synthesis of moving image, performance, installation, drawing and painting. She has exhibited at SEVENTH Gallery, Sawtooth ARI, FELTspace in Australia and Interstitial Theatre, NARS Foundation in the USA. Her work is currently showing for PHANTASMAGORIA, an exhibition as part of the Bogong Centre for Sound Culture Supported Residency in Bogong Village, VIC and was recently Artist-in-Residence for King’s Bridge Cottage in Cataract Gorge, TAS, coordinated through QVMAG.

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Back Gallery 2016

Elise Bonato (SA) - Ćreature of the Elēgiac

Opening - 5:30 PM - Wednesday, 6th January

Artist Talks - 6:00pm

Running - 7th January 2016 - 23 January 2016

ćreature of the elēgiac presents an experimental art cinema lexicon for exploring the sublime and the metaphysical within contemporary art contexts. It reveals a shift in the visual language utilised by the artist in work rendering versions of the sublime catalysed by immersive video installation. Featuring durational performance interventions and sensorial encounters with isolated spaces, this exhibition incarnates an interconnection between the lived body and the metaphysical mind, and activates the liminal ‘other’ space that may exist between. It explores the potential to evoke within the viewer the sensation of encountering ‘unearthly beauty’ — where the sublime and aesthetic may distort to become otherworldly. ćreature of the elēgiac embodies a sculptural redefinition of the sublime and gestures towards new versions and canons of beauty for a contemporary art context.

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett