Eugeniusz Lipczyk (SA) - Constructis

Opening - 6:00 PM - Wednesday, 1st of July

Artist Talk - 5:30pm

Running - 2 July 2015 - 18 July 2015

The works are a part of an ongoing series. The title Constructis, formed instinctively within the production of the first two works, refers to the methodology of my process-based approach. Aiming to highlight the importance of the materials and their relation to one another, each piece was given a descriptive title. Materials Composed, Concrete, Glass and Motor Oil 2013, exemplifies the idea that the attributes of a material will dictate its use. 

The narrative of the works is the construction of ideas through the continuous formulation of the object. This formation of ideas is developed through the selection of materials and found objects both industrial and organic. These choices drive the work and facilitate the creation of questions, or more specifically, the moment before a question exists.

The intention for each piece exists neither before, nor after the work is produced and is always being re-constructed, even when post-translated into a tangible form. Reflecting on these experiences, the form a work takes is dictated by the materials and their inherent material truths. Found objects are dictated by their intended function and work to explore their own materiality. My choice of objects is based on this revelation, and I work to translate their function into something of the in-between.

Concrete Cylinders United By Brass, Concrete, Electroplated brass, 250 x 150 x 150mm, 2014

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett