Opening - 5:30 PM - Wednesday, 7th June

Artist Talks - 6:00pm

Running - 8th June - 24th June 2017

We live in a world where complicated issues are increasingly presented as binary ideas, where one has only 140 characters to explore tricky, multifaceted issues. Through algorithms of "likes" we are put into echo chambers that re enforce our perspectives more and more.

It’s Complicated is an interactive installation by Adelaide based artist Jake Holmes, which investigates this idea in a physical space through the use of decoding glasses. The viewer must make a choice that will decide which half of the work they see. Opposing works are presented within the same space simultaneously, interacting and overlapping to build the whole, however viewers' experience only half of the works, They experience a space that is at odds with one another. When the glasses are removed the full work is revealed.

Photography by Steph Fuller