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Back Gallery - 7TH - 23RD MARCH 2019

Over the last 10 000 years, human’s relationship with bees has dramatically altered. Once regarded with awe and reverence, the relationship has changed from one of symbiosis to that of exploitation. 

The ancient wisdom of human’s connection with bees underpins this work by exploring the visceral experience of the human/bee relationship and the significance of vibration in this connection. 

Engaging the chandelier as a recognised symbol of wealth, beauty and luxury, Rebecca McEwan has painstakingly gathered honey from beekeepers to fill glass vessels to build the chandelier. Each vessel representing 2-3 bee’s life time’s work, asking us to question the value we place on honey and the existence of bees in our delicate ecosystem. 

Supporting the work is the intoxicating soundscape of the human voice practicing Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath). The yogic breathing technique Bhramari Pranayama derives its name from Sanskrit for black Indian bee, Bhramari is a recognised technique for calming and clearing the mind. 

Soundscape created with the assistance of sound artist and composer Tristan Louth-Robins 

This work is generously supported by Helpmann Academy 

Image: Fragile nature, study for work, Photo credit -  Lee Walters