FELTPLAY: pETER kOZAK (qld) - Siren Song

Siren Song, 2019, Single channel HD video, 1 minute 45 seconds

Siren Song uses images based on illness-related ‘visions’ and recreated sounds from a near-hospitalising experience to explore how representations of personal experiences of conflict and ambivalence can be used to upset reductive or oversimplified narratives around the experience of living with a chronic health condition.

Peter Kozak is a video installation artist based in Meanjin (Brisbane). Graduating from the Queensland College of Art with First Class Honours in 2017, Peter has exhibited extensively in Queensland at spaces such as Boxcopy (2019), Kunstbunker ARI (2018), Metro Arts (2017), Outer Space (2016) and The Walls Art Space (2016). Peter has also shown interstate at Sawtooth ARI (Launceston, 2019), Cool Change Contemporary (Perth, 2019), as part of HIDDEN (Sydney, 2019) and the Footscray Art Prize (Melbourne, 2017).

Peter Kozak Siren Song, (video Still)

Peter Kozak Siren Song, (video Still)