Rhiannon Jones (SA) - Unviewable Acts In Space

Opening - 5:30 PM - Wednesday, 7th October

Artist Talks - 6:00pm

Running - 8th October 2015 - 24 October 2015

My work comprises stripping actions of their functions to focus on the acts themselves.  By removing the original purpose so there is no longer a functional dialogue, the act and process are drawn into focus allowing the action to exist in its purist possible form. Evolving through a process-based approach to sculpture, it is my intention the works will transcend the action they are made from and become their own animated entity. Pre-determined constraints such as material limitations; for example, no glue which would engineer the end result, allow the material and action to define the outcome. This method embraces the uncertainty of chance, and the fine line between success and failure. 

Through these techniques I hope an appreciation and slightly overwhelming sense of the time, rigor and fragility will exist which will make the viewer seek reason and try to understand the “how” and ‘why’ of its creation without providing an answer. By creating these conflicts I hope to encourage the viewer to further engage and interact with the work.

Image: Rhiannon Jones, Safety Pin Work#1, 2014-15, Dimensions Variable (approx. 80x80x80cm), Safety Pins

Photographer: Rhiannon Jones

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett

Photograph by Alycia Bennett